Did a recent trip to London to see family and then to the South to hit a few new baseball stadiums. I can’t help stopping at Presidential sites when they’re close by.
I was surprised to see this on a side street in London. I’m pretty sure his residency here was very short. As described in A Presidents Story, Van Buren did a brief stint as Jackson’s Minister to Great Britain while he was manipulating John Calhoun out of Jackson’s favor.
FDR and Churchill sharing a laugh in Central London.
Jimmy Carter’s Museum and Library in Atlanta. There is a fair amount of construction going on currently so you might want to hold off rushing for a visit. It’s worth visiting though. The Museum and Library are pretty basic and not particularly exciting but it is in one of the prettiest settings I’ve been to for a Presidential site. In the summer at least there is a nice outdoor market. Georgia peaches are justifiably famous.
They have one of the more faithful reproductions of the Oval Office I’ve run across.
I admit to being a bit of a Rosalynn Carter fan.
Always cool to see how big historic moments start simply.
FDR’s “Little White House” in Warm Springs, Georgia. He first started going here to “take the baths” on the theory that it might help him with his polio induced paralysis.
They have a nice museum there. Despite being paralyzed from the waist down, FDR loved to drive and had hand operated cars manufactured for that purpose.
FDR died at the Little White House.
The Little White House is one of those sites that I highly recommend. It is little changed from when FDR passed away which I always find very interesting and remarkable.