I decided to do a tour of President sites as well as spending some time in the Library of Congress to do research for the sequel to A Presidents Story. The Library of Congress was great and the librarians there were very helpful. Unfortunately, the other sites were still not allowing visitors indoors so I strolled the grounds of several places (in the record setting East Coast heat!). I’ve included some pictures below.
First Presidents stop was in the cemetery in Menands, New York to see Chester Alan Arthur’s grave. As happens so often with these more obscure Presidents, it took a bit of searching to finally find the grave tucked away in a remote corner.
The plot for Arthur’s wife “Nell” and children. There are not a lot of pictures of Nell Arthur particularly since she died before her husband became President. But, based on the pictures that are out there, I suspect she was one of the prettier Presidential wives. Looked a bit like Olivia de Havilland in Gone with the Wind.
Lindenwald, Martin Van Buren’s home near Kinderhook, New York. This was the most disappointing to not be allowed inside, particularly since Van Buren figured so prominently in A Presidents Story. The comment I probably received more than any other on the book was “Wow, I want to read more about Van Buren!”
A section of the Old Post Road which was apparently a main thoroughfare in Upstate New York in those days. Lindenwald sat strategically next to the road which led many traveling politicians to stop off, pay their respects and share a bit of gossip with Van Buren.
FDR’s place at Hyde Park. I don’t know what the inside looks like but the outside appears due for some upkeep. The grounds are beautiful, however.
Franklin and Eleanor.
Apparently there was a spectacular view of the river from this spot just off the side of the main residence…until FDR got done planting 300 trees that grew…a lot.
The family dogs apparently share space near FDR and Eleanor at the plot shown above.
The stables at Hyde Park. I’m sure there were a lot of political jokes at this poor horse’s expense.
FDR and Churchill outside the first Presidential Library which, again, was not open. The graffiti covered cut outs are from the Berlin Wall after the Iron Curtain fell.
It was a Roosevelt day as I moved on to Sagamore Hill and Teddy Roosevelt’s place. Like Hyde Park, the setting was beautiful.
Nope, the inside of the house was closed here as well. But, I did find one window that didn’t have the shades drawn. This is what passes for a bootleg for a Presidents geek.
As near as I can tell, Teddy wasn’t one for sitting on porches and enjoying the view but, he definitely had the option at Sagamore Hill.
Like John Tyler, TR had a section set aside as a cemetery for family pets. I don’t know what else but there appears to have been a couple small dogs and at least one whole horse buried here.
TR’s grave is just down the road from Sagamore Hill. It’s a nice plot befitting a President but, as you would expect with him, it’s a robust climb to get to…particularly when it’s 98 degrees out.
Stopped in Princeton, New Jersey to see Grover Cleveland, his wife and daughter Ruth’s graves. Legend has it that Baby Ruth candy bars were named for his daughter who was born while he was President.
This was one of the all time great bonus discoveries. About 50 yards from President Cleveland and family, there was Aaron Burr!
Westland Mansion in Princeton is privately owned now but it was the home of Grover Cleveland after he was President.
This was one of the homes where Woodrow Wilson lived when he was teaching at Princeton. It too is private. I felt a little creepy sneaking around taking pictures of people’s homes but I suspect I was not the first.
I did a quick stop in Philadelphia and did the Independence Hall/Liberty Bell thing. I really liked that George Washington’s chair was the only piece of furniture that remained from the big events at Independence Hall.
Wilson’s home in DC after he left the Presidency. Again, not open but nice neighborhood. It’s near the embassies which is a great area if you have not been. Wilson is buried in the National Cathedral in DC that is also still closed…and they wouldn’t let me get close enough to take a picture through the window.
William Howard Taft’s grave at Arlington Cemetery. As I always say, if he didn’t exceed his Mama’s expectations by being both President and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, she was a hard woman.
Finally, the other reason for this trip was to see the Washington Nationals play in their home park. I’ve now seen all but one team play in their home park. But I had no idea that the Nationals mascots were George, Thomas, Abe and Teddy. Almost too much fun for one Presidents/Baseball enthusiast to absorb in one go.