Kay and I did a whirlwind trip to Texas to see friends and family. My sister and brother-in-law had the delightful idea of driving over to see LBJ’s ranch near Johnson City while we were in the Hill Country.
LBJ’s collection of signed pictures from his predecessors. I would like to have this very much.
LBJ and family gravesites. True to form, LBJ’s stone is just a bit higher than the rest.
The reconstructed home where LBJ was born. With an open hall right down the middle, it’s an interesting design and probably makes sense given the Hill Country heat.
It was cold that day but there were some glimpses of Spring’s coming attractions.
The Amphicar. Apparently LBJ had a habit of failing to tell guests that the drive he was taking them on would include a drive across Lake LBJ. That was usually when the meaning of the name of the car would dawn on them.
The Ranch House. LBJ would often have cabinet meetings under the large tree on the left. Given his reputation for not honoring personal space, I suspect his cabinet members enjoyed his outdoor meetings more than being confined within four walls with him. LBJ would have been a social distancing nightmare.